機能性ナノ材料を活用したハイブリッド太陽熱蒸留による海水淡水化技術の開発 / Development of Seawater Desalination Technology by Hybrid Solar Distillation Using Functional Nanomaterials
As indicated in the Sustainable Development Goals , a secure and safe water supply is essential for developing a sustainable society. Especially in arid regions such as Africa and the Middle East, the development of stable water supply and energy-efficient desalination technologies is an important academic and social issue. One of the most common desalination technologies using solar power is the solar distill (SS). When seawater is added to the distiller, it heats saline water and evaporates, and the water vapor is cooled inside the glass cover, condenses, and is recovered as distillation. In this study, we are developing a solar distillation technology that can desalinate seawater using solar heat, which is a renewable energy source. In particular, by utilizing new functional materials for light collection and heat transfer, we aim to improve the distillation process and increase desalination yield, design a distillation system with high desalination yield, improve energy efficiency through storage of excess heat during the day and its nighttime use, and optimize the solar distillation system using machine learning.
関連論文 references
A Elsheikh, KA Hammoodi, A Ibrahim, AHI Mourad, M Fujii, , Augmentation and evaluation of solar still performance: A comprehensive review, Desalination, 117239, 2023