Research Outline
研究概要 Research Outline
The following are some of the research themes we are working on in our laboratory. There are three main themes. “Theme 1: Water Environment Assessment Technology” aims to develop new technologies for assessing the health of the water quality and ecosystems that comprise the water environment, and to propose the use of national lands that enable rich watershed, water and material cycles. “Theme 2: Water treatment technologies” aims to achieve sustainable water use in developed and developing countries through the development of water treatment technologies with low environmental and energy impacts. “Theme 3: Sustainability Assessment” promotes interdisciplinary research that integrates all possible disciplines in order to achieve a “transition to a sustainable society”, which is an issue facing humanity in the Anthropocene Era. The specific research topics in each theme are described below.
研究テーマ1「水環境評価技術」/Research Theme 1: Water Environment Assessment Technology
Various kinds of water environmental pollution, such as organic pollution load, eutrophication, and radioactive pollution, have been revealed in developing and developed countries. In recent years, the actual conditions of oligotrophication, trace organic matter contamination, and microplastic pollution have also been revealed. This research theme aims to develop new technologies to assess the health of the water quality and ecosystems that comprise the aquatic environment, to clarify the dynamics of water and substances in the basin and the actual state of pollution, and to propose the use of the national land in the basin to make the desired cycle possible. In this section, we will introduce “creation of healthy and sustainable water quality based on material cycles” and “development of technology for the comprehensive detection of various organic substances at the single molecule level”.
- 物質循環を基礎とした健全で持続可能な流域水質の創出 Creation of healthy and sustainable water quality in the basin based on material cycles
- 1分子レベルで多様な有機物質を網羅的に検出する技術の開発 Development of technology for comprehensive detection of various organic substances at the single-molecule level
- 河川水中における福島原発由来放射性セシウムの動態 Dynamics of Fukushima-derived radioactive cesium in river water
- 自然水中における鉄の反応速度論と生物利用性 Reaction kinetics and bioavailability of iron in natural water
研究テーマ2「水処理技術」/Research Theme 2: Water Treatment Technology
Providing safe and secure drinking water and treating wastewater in a way that does not impact the environment is an important social responsibility of water infrastructure. On the other hand, the recovery of resource, energy, and basin information from sewage brings added value to water infrastructure. Focusing on these perspectives, we aim to achieve sustainable water use in developed and developing countries through the development of water treatment technologies that have a low environmental and energy burden. In this section, we introduce the development of theoretical models for the reaction of pollutants in water treatment systems and innovative anaerobic digestion technology using nanomaterials.
- 水処理系での汚染物質の反応に関わる理論モデルの構築 Development of a Theoretical Model for the Reaction of Contaminants in Water Treatment Systems
- ナノ材料を活用した革新的嫌気性消化技術の開発 Development of Innovative Anaerobic Digestion Technology Using Nanomaterials
- ナノ材料を用いた新規水処理技術の開発 production via anaerobic digestion of sewer sludge wastes Biogas production via anaerobic digestion of sewer sludge wastes
研究テーマ3「持続可能性評価」/Research Theme 3: Sustainability Assessment
We promote interdisciplinary research that integrates all disciplines in order to achieve the challenge facing humanity in the Anthropocene: the transition to a sustainable society.