研究室で身につけられる能力(学生向け)/ Competencies to be acquired in the lab (for students)
- 高度な科学・工学的な知見に立脚し、直観に反する事象も論理的に受け入れ、判断できる
- グローバルな社会で多様な価値観と対話でき、物事を相対的に捉えることができる
- 強い信念と希望をもって困難な状況に挑戦することができる
Students will be able to acquire specialized knowledge in the environmental engineering field, ability to understand and judge the relationship between the global environment and society, and international communication skills through discussions with researchers and laboratory members as well as participation to the various research projects, international joint research, study abroad program, and many other opportunities offered by university. In addition, students will also be able to deepen their logical thinking, internal awareness and discovery, and acquire a new sense of self-worth and autonomy. For example, by the time when students complete their master’s program, they will be able to acquire the following skills;
- Based on advanced scientific and engineering knowledge, student will be able to logically accept and judge contrary to one’s intuition
- Students will be able to interact with diverse values in a global society and see things in a relative perspective
- Students will also be able to challenge to difficult situations with strong faith and hope
I believe that these students will be able to contribute to the creation of novel academic and social values by continuing their research activities in society and at universities and also other research institutions.